Tuesday, 29 May 2012


I love all things vintage. I’m out, there you have it! I’m out of the vintage closet. Or I’m probably there looking for vintage-y stuff to wear or use for house décor. Yeah, that sounds more like it.

I have a lot of outfits my Mom used to wear back when she was my age and younger even. I have accessories from my Grandma like rings, necklaces bracelets, the works. When I turned 15 she gave me the rings her sister (the one I’m named after) wore every single day of her adult life including her engagement and wedding rings. I just love them, they’re from the late 30’s and have an incredibly beautiful, yet simple design.

Suffice it to say, I would rather get my hands on old stunning objects than getting all new items, though this doesn’t mean that I never do. Actually, it is rarer for me to get vintage clothes than bright new shiny ones, and that’s probably the reason I like the former better, because of its uniqueness and infrequent possibility.

However deep my love for retro outfits, only recently am I waiting for a legitimate brand spanking new thing, and I just can’t wait for it to get here. My sister has got something growing inside her belly and it’s not the usual nacho cheese- pizza- burguer- ice cream combo. She’s been pregnant for nine weeks and I can’t help but think ‘Man, nine months can’t go fast enough’. Never mind she’s the one gestating an infant, the thing is, I will be an aunt. YES! I’ll get to be cool Aunt Cleme and spoil the kid rotten and then send him/ her home to my sister and her husband. I can take care of this baby, love it, hug it, maybe squeeze its (hopefully) chubby cheeks until cuteness drips all over the place. Okay, so that last part could be a bit of an exaggeration, but supervision might not be such a bad idea.

Anyway, I couldn’t be happier at this point in my life for my sister and her husband. Well, I guess as the pregnancy progresses I will get increasingly happier, considering I was basically ecstatic when she was only suspicious. She told me she was disgusted by pizza (PIZZA, for Heaven’s sake!) and I cried in the middle of the food court at the mall. ‘Nuff said. 


  1. How 'bout CRAZY aunt Cleme?

    1. Well, I'm already that without the 'Aunt' thrown in the middle, so...

  2. Thanks Sis' love the post, and yes you will be cool Aunt Cleme and probably I will supervise just a bit LOL.

    Can't wait to have our baby's next picture and video =)

    And still I don't like pizza, oh delicious Pizza I do miss you!!!! Hope we meet again in about 9-11 months
