Thursday, 24 May 2012


J. Howard Miller's "We Can Do It!" poster, 1943

Okay, so I don’t think I’ve ever said this on my blog before, but just in case, I want ya’ll to know I’m a feminist. I like to think of myself as a discreet hard core feminist, because I do feel strong about the importance of women throughout history, here and everywhere in the world because, there is just no denying our fem power, I tell you! But I’m also not one who will be shoving this down people’s throats either, thus the term ‘discreet hard core feminist’. Whatever, you guys, I’m cool with this.

I believe the world (or most part) is way beyond the whole burning bras in public in demonstration of the oppression the patriarchy has put upon women, and we are now in tha phase in which it is not to just to talk and convince but to simply act. Do. Accomplish. Execute. Simple as that. We shouldn’t be wasting any more time trying to tell guys to just shut up when they are acting all misogynistic and stuff. Who cares what these guys think? It’s because they feel threatened by our strength as women. I think I’m sort of digressing here. I got a little carried away from what I originally wanted to say.

The other day, I think it was through twitter or something, I discovered a tumblr page (remember my professed love of tumblr? No? That’s because I was professing my love to someone else, I guess) that was so freaking amazing to me. It was Who needs feminism?, which poses a great idea for women (and men, actually) to have an outlet to find inspiration for the bigger or smaller battles each of us are having in order to keep feminism strong. Anyway, what I think was the most wonderful part of this tumblr as I clicked on and on to keep viewing posts, is that I found very different opinions on just one matter, and the best thing it’s okay! The clearest example of this, for me at least, was that I read a post in which the girl who wrote it, wished that she wouldn’t be judged by the number of people she has slept with, while on the other hand, later on, another girl posted she wanted to wait until she was married to have sex and not have this be a reason for this modern society to put upon her for her choice in life. 

The two things that stand out to me like neon signs on a deserted town in the middle of nowhere about those two very different outlooks on sex are “judge” and “choice in life”. To be able to choose whatever we want, whenever we want without it being a problem because of our gender, while not to being judged by these choices is pretty much what feminism is all about. 

Whether it is to be able to wear a sexy dress for a night out and not feeling conscious about it because it generates cat-calling and ogling guys, or to speak our minds openly about politics and current events and not being called an opinionated bitch, or striving in a profession which is most likely dominated by men, why should we be faced with condemning remarks? Sometimes, sad but true, sometimes we make those unkind observations to ourselves. What's up with that? 

The point is, being a woman should be more of a reason to overcome the Why not?'s to instead of keep asking ourselves “Should I? Can I? Will I be able?” 


  1. For me being a feminist also means to respect ourselves, we have choices an decisions to make, but what ever choice or decisions we make we should be proud of them, we learn from them. We are all equal and we can do anything and there is nothing wrong if we ask for help.

  2. Mmmh, prima, we need to talk... My final project is about this. Discreet, of course
