Saturday, 31 March 2012


This here is the first installment of a section I’d like to call 'It's Not Me It's Eew', where I'll be briefly featuring photographs of objects, or occurrences that happen to be utterly disturbing.

Today’s piece is an odd item that my sister, my brother- in- law and I encountered while walking down the street. It’s pretty much what it looks like in the picture above: a blood sample tube… with blood in it.

I’m not usually squeamish or anything, but I can assure you that finding something like that just lying around in the sidewalk in broad day light creeped me out like you have no idea. Mostly because I’m convinced that in the tube was the contents of the virus that will bring the dead back to life and turn them into brain eating, putrid, slow walking ghouls. What’s worst is the thought of a zombie outbreak starting in my own city. On that note, if you’ll excuse me, gotta go practice shooting right about now. Peace!

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