Tuesday, 3 April 2012


This post is not meant to give out advice or impart wisdom in any size, shape or form. This right here is me enforcing my right to rant. And rant I will. I clearly need an outlet. And a kitten I can pet. 

The word “bully” is very popular right now, due to newsworthy issues in middle schools, and also the movie that is coming out this month. These are not the kind of bullies I’m addressing (duh, kinda gave it away in the title there), but they are very real and just as harmful.

Road rage is one of the worst things out there in the streets, and I’ll be the first to admit that I too, have experienced this intense form of anger caused by unskilled drivers, slow pedestrians, vehicles parked in lanes and stop lights with 10 second green lights, while behind the wheel in more than one occasion. Nevertheless, I have overcome this ill- tempered reaction, and opted to drive in a more responsible manner, in which I refuse to be fazed by these factors for everyone’s sake. This decision, though healthy and safer, thru practice has led me to find myself identifying drivers who are afflicted with road rage.  

What this means is that while I am dutifully acknowledging and respecting stop signs, speed limits, yield signs (oh, dear, yield signs!) and every indication I have to follow in order to be a sensible driver, there will always be the one idiot person pushing me to step on it, thus going over the speed limit, or the other one who will be honking at me just because I wouldn’t run the yellow light, or my worst nightmare, which I live through on a daily basis, the inconsiderate who doesn’t really know what a “YIELD” sign is for. To this people, YIELD means that I have to slow down and let them pass, when the sign is painstakingly clearly posted for their lane. How ignorant can they be? Really!! Some of them actually floor it so they can beat me at the intersection. To those, I flip the bird, alright. Well, metaphorically, thru here.

What makes matters worse is that this kind of people seem to believe that because I drive a chevy and they are hauling a big ass truck of a vehicle, I have to do what they want me to, or else. Or else meaning getting to the point of almost getting hit, which would basically result in a hit- and- run on their part.

But what really bugs me about this is the fact that even though I don’t want to feel road rage anymore, other drivers and their limited knowledge of traffic rules result so irritating that I end up having it, as well.  It is so much rage that I wish I could just fling a cross bar at their precious Hummer, or strike their Ford F-150 repeatedly with a bat, or just slam their heads against the wheel while I hand them a pamphlet that has been previously highlighted showing where they messed up. Yes, I can turn up pretty violent at times, but only when it is called for. Hehe, according to me, okay? And even though I painted a good picture of what I wish I could do, I must admit it will never happen. Mostly because I’m afraid what they might do to me, but also because I know violence is not the answer. Even though I also fantasize (a lot) about cutting these people’s hands off so they can never drive again.

"I'll show you to run a stop sign, you #@%&/!"

So, to those traffic bullies out there, let this be a warning… Oh, no, wait, sorry, just be careful out there, because you might just find your match and cause a horrible accident trying to see who is faster and more furious. Or also you might cause it to some innocent girl who just wants to take her dog out for a peaceful walk… who will also cut your hands off and let said dog feast on them. 

Both images by IMDB

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