Tuesday, 24 July 2012


Frankly, I did not have a subject about a specific theme to write about for today’s post. However, I will share with you something I heard yesterday at the park.

I was walking Passpartout around the park, he peed here and there, sniffed the grass, barked at some unsuspecting strangers walking by as well, went no. 2, you know, a normal walk for the two of us, while children  frolicked around the playground being supervised by some weary adults. 

Anyhoo, as we passed by the slides there were three 6-7 year old boys playing, and one of them, in an attempt to urge another who was on the top to finally slide down, yelled at him “HURRY UP, PEÑA NIETO!!” OK, so for those who might wonder, Peña Nieto was recently elected president in México and yet, he is one of the most hated men in the country for the last months. Understandably, the child must have picked that particular form of insult from one of his parents or a very opinionated adult. Of course, the kid doesn’t really know who the loathed politician is and what the whole deal is actually about, but he understands enough to use it as an insult with conviction that it would grant him what he wanted, in a verbally abusive way.

Nevertheless, what I feel is kind of sad, even though I did laugh when I first heard it, is the fact that an innocent child’s play was tarnished, albeit with certain naivety, with the politics of adults who don’t play nice either. Irony, or just the way life is, who knows? Either way, if the boy who verbalized the offense would’ve used another word, say like “A**hole”, I don’t think it would’ve sounded as spiteful and mean as the politician’s name did as he loudly uttered them at his playmate.

1 comment:

  1. Ay, yo, le dejo de hablar al niño u.u
