Wednesday, 1 August 2012


In the midst of the Olympic Games being held in London I thought of a few  activities, which, if they were sports played in the Olympics, I would totally compete in, and probably win a few medals.

-          Amount of food I find that go well with cheese.
-          Pounding a 600ml almost frozen Coke without reacting to a major brain freeze.
-          The longest time without breathing while talking about recent obsessions.
-          The longest time without blinking while watching this gif.
-          Carrying all my groceries to the front door in just one trip.
-          Stalking celebrities I’m obsessed with.
-          Synchronized hankering for melted cheese and chocolate anything.
-          Running around the house looking for my keys right before I have to go to work.
-          Sleeping in the office during my lunch break.
-          Moving my lips to all the dialogue in You’ve Got Mail, Rat Race and Independence Day.
-          Going back and forth from anywhere in my house to my bedroom, always forgetting what I was going to do/ get.
-          Successfully learning the choreography of Single Ladies. In my head.

1 comment:

  1. yes you could win almost all of the gold medals!!!!!!! You have trained for a few years LOL
