Thursday, 31 May 2012


This post will be in Spanish due to the nature of what I  particularly want to say and to the people I wish to address.

Recientemente en mi “tweetfeed” vi un comentario que hacía alusión a cómo los políticos ya no usan el miedo para imponerse, sino que simplemente atontan al pueblo, lo mantienen en la ignorancia por medio de entretenimiento, luces y cosas brillantes, y mientras la gente está distraída con toda clase de espectáculos que “regalan” a la comunidad ellos hacen  sus planes para ver como se siguen beneficiando a costa de los ciudadanos. El miedo llega cuando los resultados muestran los efectos de la ignorancia.

Inicialmente, cuando dije que hablaría de la política en mi país en este blog, recalqué que no sería para hacerle campaña a ningún candidato o partido. Sin embargo, no puedo dejar de sentir que la imagen que sigue me llena de vergüenza, de enojo, coraje y tristeza. Explicaré cada una de estas emociones a continuación.

Vergüenza, no es que sea partidaria del PRI y me sienta mal porque un candidato tomó la decisión de hacer un evento como este, sino porque en mi país hay personas que creen que esa clase de movimientos son válidos con el fin de gobernarnos. Si en campaña cometen este tipo de crasos errores, ¿qué no hará una vez que estén colocados en el gobierno? Por gente cómo ésta, este de ahora es el país que tenemos.

Siento enojo por que el dinero para pagar este numerito vino de los contribuyentes. Vino de gente honesta que se destroza el lomo trabajando con el fin de proveer por su familia con lo poco que gana, con lo poco que le queda después de la cantidad de impuestos que aparte le quitan. Los políticos que deciden utilizar el dinero de esta forma son los que nos han dado el país que ahora tenemos.

Me da coraje por que como mujer, el que tomen mi participación en este país (cuando hablo de mí me refiero a toda mujer, ‘I’m every woman’ de Chaka Khan, escúchenla, pues) como una burla, es de lo peor que me pueden hacer. Es como si redujeran la posición de la mujer como una que no aspira a más que el contacto con un hombre aparentemente atractivo y que le haga caso y se desnude ante ella sin tapujos ni pudor. ¿Pues qué creen, priistas? ¡Hay una mujer que está en la contienda por la presidencia! ¡Entiendan eso! La mujer ya no está relegada a la cocina y al cuidado de los niños, tenemos todo lo necesario para salir adelante al igual que los hombres, así es que es una pena que piensen que esas son formas de convencernos. Háblenos con palabras, no con bailes, convénzanos con acciones, no con cerveza. Aquí seguiré con otro punto muy importante, y no sé si habrá más personas que opinen lo mismo. Por ser un evento en el que la mayoría eran mujeres y la meta era conseguir votos femeninos, optaron por contratar a un stripper para  sonsacar a las concurrentes, y lo hicieron de una manera muy pública. Palabra clave “pública”. Si hubiera sido el caso contrario, hombres asistiendo y una mujer quitándose la ropa para su deleite el asunto hubiera sido escandaloso a niveles exponenciales, sin embargo, no descarto la posibilidad de que sí lo hagan pero de forma más discreta. ¿Por qué se da esta situación? Nuestro país necesita avanzarle mucho en este tema, pues al parecer, este tipo de circo es aceptable siempre y cuando sea la mujer la que sea rebajada en la escala de lo que concierne a la política de México. Para que me entiendan, es como decirnos “Entreténganse con esto, y no hagan más preguntas.” Por entretenernos con circo, maroma y teatro nuestro país no es más que un circo, una maroma y un teatro.

Y finalmente tristeza, porque a pesar de todo eso que yo sé y que tú también sabes seguimos conformándonos. Hazme un favor y regrésate a ver la foto otra vez. ¿Ves lo mismo que yo? Yo, por mi parte veo a una mujer que se ve muy feliz porque su vida, la situación en su distrito 4, donde sea que esté, se ha solucionado con un six pack de Tecate. Ella no volverá a sentir la crisis, ni le hará falta la gasolina ni las tortillas porque un stripper le bailó pegadito. Es una verdadera pena que a esto se haya llegado, a niveles tan mediocres… ni que mediocres, eso significa estar en medio, ni arriba ni abajo. Estos son niveles de lo más bajos que se están alcanzando, cuando uno piensa que nada puede ser peor esta clase de cosas suceden. Y lo que más tristeza me da en todo eso es que seguimos conformándonos, y por eso tenemos el país que nos merecemos.

Este es sólo un caso, ha habido más y todos lo saben y no se limita a este partido. Y por lo que se ve así seguirá la cosa. Si tú no estás conforme, habla, di algo, diles “Mira, yo vine a conocer tus planes para con mi distrito/ ciudad/ estado/ país, no quiero que me vengas a ver la cara de tonta trayéndome algo tan ruin. Hablemos como personas que somos con la seriedad que merecemos como mexicanos.”

El progreso no debe estar en las manos de gente así, sino de los ciudadanos que realmente  queremos el cambio. Y eso se logra solo mediante la información y combatiendo la ignorancia. Abriendo los ojos nos daremos cuenta que el México que tenemos, que se nos ha entregado, en lo que se ha convertido y que ultimadamente nos merecemos no tiene por qué ser así.

¿Queremos un cambio, no? Pues cambia tú también, no seas el mexicano conformista y agachado con el que nos estereotipan, porque, por si no te diste cuenta, no son solo los extranjeros los que nos ven así sino también nuestros propios políticos que buscan nuestros votos con esas artimañas. 

Tuesday, 29 May 2012


I love all things vintage. I’m out, there you have it! I’m out of the vintage closet. Or I’m probably there looking for vintage-y stuff to wear or use for house décor. Yeah, that sounds more like it.

I have a lot of outfits my Mom used to wear back when she was my age and younger even. I have accessories from my Grandma like rings, necklaces bracelets, the works. When I turned 15 she gave me the rings her sister (the one I’m named after) wore every single day of her adult life including her engagement and wedding rings. I just love them, they’re from the late 30’s and have an incredibly beautiful, yet simple design.

Suffice it to say, I would rather get my hands on old stunning objects than getting all new items, though this doesn’t mean that I never do. Actually, it is rarer for me to get vintage clothes than bright new shiny ones, and that’s probably the reason I like the former better, because of its uniqueness and infrequent possibility.

However deep my love for retro outfits, only recently am I waiting for a legitimate brand spanking new thing, and I just can’t wait for it to get here. My sister has got something growing inside her belly and it’s not the usual nacho cheese- pizza- burguer- ice cream combo. She’s been pregnant for nine weeks and I can’t help but think ‘Man, nine months can’t go fast enough’. Never mind she’s the one gestating an infant, the thing is, I will be an aunt. YES! I’ll get to be cool Aunt Cleme and spoil the kid rotten and then send him/ her home to my sister and her husband. I can take care of this baby, love it, hug it, maybe squeeze its (hopefully) chubby cheeks until cuteness drips all over the place. Okay, so that last part could be a bit of an exaggeration, but supervision might not be such a bad idea.

Anyway, I couldn’t be happier at this point in my life for my sister and her husband. Well, I guess as the pregnancy progresses I will get increasingly happier, considering I was basically ecstatic when she was only suspicious. She told me she was disgusted by pizza (PIZZA, for Heaven’s sake!) and I cried in the middle of the food court at the mall. ‘Nuff said. 

Thursday, 24 May 2012


J. Howard Miller's "We Can Do It!" poster, 1943

Okay, so I don’t think I’ve ever said this on my blog before, but just in case, I want ya’ll to know I’m a feminist. I like to think of myself as a discreet hard core feminist, because I do feel strong about the importance of women throughout history, here and everywhere in the world because, there is just no denying our fem power, I tell you! But I’m also not one who will be shoving this down people’s throats either, thus the term ‘discreet hard core feminist’. Whatever, you guys, I’m cool with this.

I believe the world (or most part) is way beyond the whole burning bras in public in demonstration of the oppression the patriarchy has put upon women, and we are now in tha phase in which it is not to just to talk and convince but to simply act. Do. Accomplish. Execute. Simple as that. We shouldn’t be wasting any more time trying to tell guys to just shut up when they are acting all misogynistic and stuff. Who cares what these guys think? It’s because they feel threatened by our strength as women. I think I’m sort of digressing here. I got a little carried away from what I originally wanted to say.

The other day, I think it was through twitter or something, I discovered a tumblr page (remember my professed love of tumblr? No? That’s because I was professing my love to someone else, I guess) that was so freaking amazing to me. It was Who needs feminism?, which poses a great idea for women (and men, actually) to have an outlet to find inspiration for the bigger or smaller battles each of us are having in order to keep feminism strong. Anyway, what I think was the most wonderful part of this tumblr as I clicked on and on to keep viewing posts, is that I found very different opinions on just one matter, and the best thing it’s okay! The clearest example of this, for me at least, was that I read a post in which the girl who wrote it, wished that she wouldn’t be judged by the number of people she has slept with, while on the other hand, later on, another girl posted she wanted to wait until she was married to have sex and not have this be a reason for this modern society to put upon her for her choice in life. 

The two things that stand out to me like neon signs on a deserted town in the middle of nowhere about those two very different outlooks on sex are “judge” and “choice in life”. To be able to choose whatever we want, whenever we want without it being a problem because of our gender, while not to being judged by these choices is pretty much what feminism is all about. 

Whether it is to be able to wear a sexy dress for a night out and not feeling conscious about it because it generates cat-calling and ogling guys, or to speak our minds openly about politics and current events and not being called an opinionated bitch, or striving in a profession which is most likely dominated by men, why should we be faced with condemning remarks? Sometimes, sad but true, sometimes we make those unkind observations to ourselves. What's up with that? 

The point is, being a woman should be more of a reason to overcome the Why not?'s to instead of keep asking ourselves “Should I? Can I? Will I be able?” 

Monday, 21 May 2012


Jeremy Renner for GQ Magazine
I swear, hand on keyboard (when your life revolves around a computer it kind of gains a sacred status in your life) I’ve been trying to sit down and write something real serious and thought provoking for my next post, but, you guys, I got nothing. And it’s not like I can’t do it anymore, or I’ve suddenly run out of topics to write about , but in all honesty it’s writer’s block by means of distraction. That distraction is none other than Jeremy Renner. And his attributes, I’m ashamed to admit.

I can’t get Jeremy Renner out of my head. I’ve tried, but it’s bigger than me, and I don’t know what to do. I’m utterly obsessed with the guy. While I was trying to write a piece on an issue I have a lot of thoughts about, I couldn’t find the way to express myself without wondering off looking for movies where Renner has appeared.  And my piece? Still got nothing.

Like most things, my fixation for the actor who most recently portrayed Hawkeye, wasn’t planned, it just happened over this past weekend. OK, so maybe it kinda had to do with the fact that I had a dream and he just so happened to be in it. My dreams never really make sense, but I just remember that there was a bonfire and a whole other people I don’t know and we would always end up sitting next to each other and he was so cute and everything, and that’s how obsessions are born I guess.

So, I decided maybe I should write about it and sort of get it out of my system, even if it’s by dedicating a post to my most recent obsession. This guy is everywhere, I mean, The Avengers are everywhere you turn right now, but all of a sudden everyone is like “OMG! HAWKEYE!! MORE LIKE HOT GUY!!!” I get it, he is really adorable, an accomplished actor, and there’s even a facebook page dedicated to his cute butt. Yeah, I checked that out. Also, he can wear the hell out of a pair of jeans, I mean is he for real? And he has this beautiful blue eyes and a crooked smile, and he can go from looking like nice guy to a badass all the while being gorgeous. I can't wait for the Bourne movie of him goes out, I just can't, it's taking too long. I'll Iave to make do with everything else he has done before that I haven't seen yet.

The good news is, I feel comfortable knowing that I’m not alone and there is a lot of fangirl going on around Jeremy’s celebrity, and that’s a relief in itself. These days, having an infatuation over anything is like gazillion times more awesome because now we have tumblr. Tumblr! Best idea ever. I only have to type in whatever floats my boat and bam, there it is, in all its splendor, everything the net has to offer concerning my interest. Of course, this means getting addicted to clicking the “Load more posts” button and do much nothing else, except for going “Ooh!” and “Aah!” and “Aaw!”  for hours and hours on end. Literally, it is dangerous. I don’t have any vices like smoking or drinking (except for Coke), and I can definitely find myself hooked on pure visuals of current fascinations.

I know I will get over this, because I’ve already lost count of so many obsessions I’ve had throughout my life, so this is (I hope) nothing, and I’ll be able to write about more important stuff real soon. Stuff like, I don’t know, something that happened somewhere, like, uhmm, you know, where there’s stuff really important, and everyone is talking about… ooh, looking good, Jeremy. Looking good.

From The Avengers movie

Friday, 18 May 2012


I don’t like stating the obvious here, but, the media has set us to believe that skinny girls are the most attractive of all. Sure, some of those models look really good on the magazines, but the reality is that those girls aren’t even real, at all. Fortunately, these days curves are being more celebrated than in the past years and I think it’s about time, but it’s not nearly enough.

Okay, I gotta come clean here. I’m 5’ 5 and 106 lbs. ‘Then, what the hell are you talking about?’ you might ask. Well, for starters, as women we should all embrace our bodies and make our best features work. 

However loaded with truth, that phrase that sounds like the slogan of a reality show to help women boost their self- esteem through a series of tips and life changing lessons, isn’t exactly what led me to write this post today. The other day, I went to the store across the street from work to buy a mid- morning snack. So I grabbed a Coke and a couple of chocolate cupcakes to spoil myself silly and headed towards the bipolar store owner to pay for my delicacies. As I waited for my turn and shoved my treats on the counter a girl next to me (she was also thin and as far as I could tell she was attractive, mind you) huffed at me, and when I turned around I realized she had a Diet Coke and a healthy bar in her hands. As far as I could tell, she was annoyed by my purchases, because she was glaring at them and at me. I don’t know, it just strikes me as odd that a person who doesn’t know me would judge me for not caring about what I eat. If I don’t, why should anyone else?

You see, I can basically eat anything I want and I won’t get fat, because (as I recently learned) I have a medical condition that makes my metabolism be super duper faster than it should regularly be. Yay! for me, right? Not so much, because that also restricts me from eating a lot of other goodies I so much used to enjoy, but that can upset my tummy and maybe even cause embarrassing moments if in public. But the girl from the store doesn’t know this. Why would she do that? If anything she could’ve thought to herself “Ha! Good luck trying to get rid of that from your hips!” I mean, it’s also mean but at least she would turn that into my problem, not hers.

Anyway, I decided to write down a list of reasons why women shouldn’t hate us skinny girls, because for some of us, it isn’t really all that fun and here’s why:

-I have no curves. I have a waist, but that doesn’t mean I’m curvy, trust me, I have eyes and a mirror. So, essentially, if it weren’t for the fact that I’m a girly girl (sometimes I’m lazy, but still a girl), if I chose to do so, I could cut off my hair, forget to wear a bra, which only function in me is to sort of shape my itty bitty breasts, and I could easily be confused for a boy.

- Since I don’t really have any hips to speak off, I am less attractive to the opposite sex, as studies will show that something in their brains tell them that a curvier figure is healthier, thus more capable of childbearing (though this is not something they consciously think).

-Sometimes I could be distractedly wandering in a store and spot a cute dress or top that I just love and put up against my body and it looks it will fit me just fine so I decide to purchase. Too late do I realize it’s from the kids section of the store and I’m walking around town with the same outfit some twelve year old must be wearing right now. And it’s a big possibility we might run into each other. I have to learn to look around me and check for tags before buying. And also, maybe I should rethink my wardrobe because apparently I look like a twelve year old.

- Bras. Just as hard to find as it is for big breasted women. This is for real, I’m not kidding here. I can’t wear strapless bras because I have zilch to hold it in place. Even with the straps on them I can’t lift my arms without it riding up.

- Can’t wear cleavage, the whole purpose of it is lost on me.

- Skinny jeans that will look skinny in me are hard to find. No matter how many times I put them in the washer in hopes they might tighten a bit.

- The colder months of the year are really bad, because I have no body insulation. Even on mildly chilly days I leave the house looking like I wrapped a polar bear around me, while everybody else will just opt for a light sweater.

- My mom thinks I’m always sick. That can get on my nerves from time to time, because of course, she’s a mom and she says she is always right. There’s no proving I am fine to her.

- Because of my tiny frame, guys think it is super easy to just pick me up from off the ground without consent, just to prove they can do it. Like lifting me is some sort of strength proof. How about proving you’re a gentleman, next time?

- I can’t drink a lot (not that I do it all the time), so I could be having a couple shots of tequila and then party like I just did a keg stand.

- If you compare my tummy area when I’m bloated to that of a thin 14 weeks pregnant woman, you will see there is not much of a difference.

- I get dirty looks from random women who think they have an idea of my food intake, whichever it is. Either they think I starve myself, so I’m sick, or if I happen to be inhaling a hamburger they see I eat with no regret and they can’t stand it. Either way, the hatred is latent, you guys.

- Also, among the lines of that last point, women think that hating skinny girls is justified. If I try to defend myself I will likely get the ‘Oh, you poor little skinny girl… ugh’ sarcastic look. So, now I say ‘whatevs’ while they wish me being run over by a bus.

There you have it, now. I hope this changes the perception of the rather thin girls and just stop the loathing, please! I’m a girl too, and I get the whole not being comfortable with my own body, but I also know that if I hate another girl by her looks it has more to do with me not loving me, and that just sounds crazy because I definitely love myself! How could I not??

Monday, 14 May 2012


If you guessed what the title means before you read the post, you got brownie with M&M's points.

Originally Tony Stark’s butler, Jarvis was an important character in the Avengers comics. You could say he was to Iron Man what Alfred is to Batman. Portrayed as a father figure and a mentor to many of the Avengers with whom he crossed paths, Edwin Jarvis even had a ‘thing’ with Peter Parker’s Aunt May.

Since the first installment of the Iron Man movies, Jarvis is a highly developed artificial intelligence computer program that functions as Stark’s personal assistant and runs the math for the creation of the Iron Man suit. With his English accent, Jarvis is pretty much everywhere his creator is, like a cyber guardian angel, if you will.

What is truly appealing of this non- physical yet ever- present character in the movies is his ability to hold sophisticated conversations with the Iron Man, all the while giving back wit and sarcasm to boot. As his assistant, Jarvis feels compelled to make respectful observations regarding Tony Stark’s reckless behavior and impetuous actions that go very well with his bad boy persona, but there is only so much a computer program can do for the playboy millionaire turned hero.

Let’s talk a little about the scene towards the end in The Avengers where Iron Man takes the guided missile. So, he grabs the lethal projectile headed towards the (gasp) city of New York in his iron hands and heroically takes it into the portal that led to who knows where in the universe in order to have it destroy the Chitauri mother ship. Jarvis shows concern about what is going on and suggests calling Miss Potts, sensing it could very well be the last time Tony and Pepper would ever speak to each other. Alas, she doesn’t answer, which makes Jarvis sound even more preoccupied. Anyway, Iron Man succeeds, manages to avoid getting trapped on the wrong side of the portal, everyone is happy, the end.

miss potts isn’t picking up, sir.

However, this got me pondering about Jarvis, and his role in the movie. I suppose it has to do with the genius that is Tony Stark to be able to give personality to an artificial intelligence program, but how come it actually gets sarcasm and use it? Or have a soft spot for sensibility and, well, romance, for that matter? When you think about it, (and I clearly have) Jarvis has a wider range of emotions than Sheldon Cooper will ever have. I’m being serious here, so bear with me on this point. If Jarvis were programmed to only perceive the scientific specter of the world, the movies would be very different to what we’ve seen so far in terms of his and Stark’s relationship. For entertainment’s sake, I imagined what that scene I revisited before would be like if Jarvis were Sheldon Cooper. This is what I got:

First of all, Sheldon wouldn’t have suggested the phone call, if anything he was doing calculations of mass, distance and who knows what else of the situation Iron Man was in (he wouldn’t include himself, since he is a program and can still go on after on earth if all else fails), so Tony tells Jarvis-Sheldon to dial Miss Potts. Since Jarvis- Sheldon is still programmed to question his creator his answer would go something like, 

“Now? Miss Potts? I fail to see how Miss Potts would have any knowledge about guided missiles, or keeping an extraterrestrial portal open for a safe return to New York. I believe it’s far better to call Black Widow and tell her to keep the portal open for a little longer. Call Miss Potts! You silly humans! I swear you have the funniest timing I must say! Just like that time you thought it was a good idea to let your best friend fly off with one of your suits. Remember that?”

My guess is, that sort of responses would’ve accounted for a deprogramming or at the very least the installation of a new personality chip into its hard drive. I think Sheldon is funny with his quirks and idiosyncrasies that make him special in his nerdy world, but not really as a cyber side-kick to a Marvel shiny super hero.

Either way, Jarvis is one funny character and I for one like his sexy accent, and wouldn’t change him one bit. Bit. Get it? LOL!

Image1 via Image 2 via

Thursday, 10 May 2012


My mom has been more than just my Mom. She has been my teacher, my therapist, my confident, and many times she has been at the receiving end of countless childish tantrums (a lot of them well into my twenties, mind you).

We’ve had our ups and downs, fights, midnight conversations, adventures, laughs, and heart- breaking experiences, her and I. Even though we don’t always see eye to eye on everything, she has taught me a lot throughout the years. I listed a few of the things I learned from my Mommy, who taught me how to:

-         Always butter the cake mold and throw some flour at it, before pouring the 
          cake mix in.
-         Knit.
-         Remember to check how my toe feels when I’m trying on shoes, to make sure 
           they´re comfortable.
-         Always find humility and apologize after a fight.
-         Conversations are easier over lemon flavored snow cones.
-         Always sort the laundry before throwing it in the washer. And to check every 
           pocket first.
-         Have an awereness of my personal finances, and to prioritize on paying my 
          bills on time.
-         Remember that a Coke is great for when I have a headache or if I’m feeling a 
           little bit down.
-         Always make time for God.
-         Turn my kitchen into a lab.
-         Drive without the goofy look on my face (and to choose a lane).

Image via

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

El Primer Debate Presidencial 2012

In an unprecedented event, this particular post will be in my native language due to it being of national concern.

El Primer Debate Presidencial 2012

Honestamente, ¿qué se puede decir acerca del debate este pasado domingo 6 de mayo? 
Empezare por mencionar dos hechos ajenos a los candidatos, simplemente para poner en contexto lo que para algunos representa que los conozcamos a ellos y sus posturas. Primeramente, el hecho reprochable de los medios más importantes de la nación, quienes obviaron el precedente que tiene el debate, con el fin de darle prioridad a un inconsecuente partido de fútbol. ¡Ese es mi México! 

Sin embargo, el debate fue transmitido en otros canales y la gente se sentó para ver a su candidato, o si bien, para tratar de de discernir entre ellos y ver quién es la mejor opción, que a fin de cuentas, es el propósito de un debate. Comienza la transmisión y ¿qué vemos? Nada menos que una ‘edecán’ cuyo atuendo era poco más que inadecuado para lo que se estaba llevando a cabo. La indiscreción de quien tomo la decisión de la vestimenta de la mujer cumplió con el propósito de distraer a los televidentes con algo tan bajo y generar comentarios y discusiones acerca de ello, con tal de olvidarnos de lo que los candidatos tenían para decir. En los sitios de internet las notas más leídas eran las que tenían que ver con la identidad de la mujer, así que se puede decir que hubo misión cumplida, ¿o no?

En fin, a lo que iba, a los candidatos. Tomen en cuenta que esto es sólo mi opinión de lo que vi, no significa que opine que alguno en particular ganó. En todo caso, veo el asunto tan perdido que como dice el tagline de Aliens vs Predators “Gane quien gane, nosotros perdemos”.

Comienzo con mi percepción de Josefina Vázquez Mota, quien me pareció consistente en sus propuestas con lo que ha venido diciendo desde el inicio de su campaña, impulsando la competitividad comercial y su afán por darnos a México la libertad que la corrupción nos ha quitado. En todos los puntos que se tocaron hacía referencia a algún puesto que haya ocupado anteriormente que le permitía identificarse con el problema en cuestión para dar a entender que sabe lo que se requiere para solucionarlo. A mi parecer iba bien, incluso cuando cuestionó la propuesta de su rival priísta, en la primera interrogante, puesto que lo hiso en su contrarréplica, lo cual me pareció acertado. No obstante, cayó en el jueguito de tu la traes y se distrajo de lo que realmente tenía que responder acerca de sus planes en educación y tecnología, teniendo que responderla en la siguiente pregunta. Además, cometió el error de traer a colación un asunto delicado que pensó le daría la victoria, pero no contaba con que Peña Nieto le dijera que es una obscenidad querer sacar ventaja de una tragedia como lo fue el caso de la niña Paulet, haciendo quedar más mal a la candidata panista. Le Salió el tiro por la culata, por así decirlo.

Enrique Peña Nieto, a primera vista, pareció bien al exponer, pero al escuchar lo que realmente estaba hablando me di cuenta que él ni sabía lo que estaba diciendo, pues en un momento dijo lo mismo tres veces seguidas, pero de diferentes formas, perdiendo coherencia. Clásico político, la verdad. Fue el candidato que más fue atacado, y contrario a lo que digan los periódicos y los medios que lo apoyan, el defenderse no implica haber ganado. En su contrarréplica de la sexta pregunta, perdió 20 segundos (los conté) para decir que no tiene tiempo suficiente para defenderse de las acusaciones que le hicieron, y en las demás preguntas insistió en comentar como se sentía perjudicado por la cuenta regresiva, pudiendo emplear esos segundos en convencer al país que él tiene las respuestas.

El candidato por el PRD, Andrés Manuel López Obrador no hiso más que caer en lo mismo de siempre. Perdió su oportunidad de ganarse a los indecisos haciendo nuevamente el papel de víctima a quien le robaron la silla presidencial hace seis años. Empleó sus viejas tácticas dejando en claro que no piensa mirar hacia adelante sino que se enfoca en el pasado. Tan en el pasado está este hombre que incluso mencionó a Santa Anna, más de una vez. ¿Pero por qué? ¿POR QUÉ? En verdad que no tiene sentido de la importancia AMLO. Una sola pregunta, UNA SOLA, respondió de acuerdo a lo que se cuestionaba. De las doce que se hicieron, únicamente respondió a una. Las demás las dedicó para echarle en cara a EPN todos sus trapitos sucios, los cuales si bien, no era el momento de hacerlo, no eran 100% mentiras. Muchas cosas eran verdades, por ejemplo, el control que ejerce el partido tricolor sobre los medios, el asunto de Montiel, el papel que juega Salinas, etc., etc. Porque, digo, eso no es conocimiento exclusivo de los políticos. Basta con tener ojos, oídos y memoria para saber que muchas de las cosas que reclamó AMLO tienen algo de verdad en ellas, no somos tontos. Pero eso no amerita la victoria del debate, pues no dejó nada en claro sobre lo que opina acerca de lo que interesa a México, más allá de lo que hicieron/ deshicieron gobiernos del pasado.

Y nos queda el más olvidado. El hipster, le dicen. Gabriel Quadri por el Partido de la Alianza. En definitiva, y creo que para muchos, fue el que sorpendió y el que mejor habló y  mejor propuso. Su estatus de ignorado le dio la ventaja de exponer y proponer de forma clara. Lo que me agradó de él es que fue el único que proyecto qué y cómo. Mientras los demás se tiraban con todo, cuando proponían, eran pocas las veces en que explicaban cómo lo iban a lograr, con qué recursos, por qué medios. Quadri empleó su tiempo para explicar en cada pregunta cuáles son sus metas y cómo lo haría. Al escuchar sus soluciones, identifiqué una conexión entre sus diferentes propuestas en las que al mejorar un aspecto, como resultado, otro también se optimiza y/ o repara, y así con los demás puntos-6+
. Aparte de ser el candidato que les decía “Compórtense” a los otros, recalcó el hecho de que por ser ciudadano tiene una mejor visión de lo que nuestro país requiere. Puede ser que sí, puede ser que no. Tampoco olvidemos quien viene detrás de él, y aunque por algún milagro el quedara en la presidencia, alguien más será quien quiera llevar las riendas a través de él. Honestamente, qué lástima.

En resumen, resultó notorio que tres de los cuatro candidatos aprovecharon el momento para atacarse entre sí, que incluso hicieron su tarea preparándose y presentando evidencias para descalificarse unos a otros. Fue de hecho vergonzoso ver como se comportaron, y saber que uno de ellos será el que nos represente. No quiero ni pensar en el ridículo que harían en el exterior.

Falta un segundo debate, el cual se llevará a cabo el 10 de junio, el cual, para mí, plantea dos opciones: a) se seguirán echando hasta de lo que no, y utilizarán más evidencias fotográficas, etc, ó b) aprenderán de sus errores y se dedicarán a lo que realmente deben de hacer en un debate: proponer y desarrollar sus posturas.

Crucemos dedos y esperemos que se presenten de una manera madura. Y no estaría de más prescindir de la edecán.

¿Opiniones? ¡No sean tímidos!

Imágen 1 vía, Imagen 2 vía 

Saturday, 5 May 2012


Hehe, guys! Got distracted today...

No real post, but at least a funny video for you to enjoy:

Happy weekend!

Thursday, 3 May 2012


Disappointment. Rejection. Frustration. Failure.

Feelings that are all too familiar at one point or another in most everyone’s life. They could be caused by a break- up, getting fired, not obtaining that promotion, messing up with a loved one, and many, many things that can happen in a lifetime.

When faced with these emotions, for whatever reason that may be, how do you react? Do you stop and objectively analyze the cause? Do you get irrational, mad and annoyed? Do you simply shrug it off? Do you take it out on someone else, maybe? Or perhaps you do talk it over with a friend or relative, or shrink even? Or you might also lock it up inside and mellow on it from time to time, and probably letting it all out in an irate state of mind and bringing it up when it stopped being consequential?

I for one, indulge in feeling miserable. There. I said it. I do this by trying to understand what led the result of me being bummed out in the first place. What motivated me or maybe someone else to do what I/ they did, I examine every detail, justify my actions, imply faults on others, but also through the eyes of people who know me and will tell me the truth if I´m being delusional if that’s the case. And other times I prefer to do it alone, and not talk to anyone, not think about it, but still savoring the bitter numbness of what might have occurred. Either way I sulk. I allow myself to get immersed in a sea of sourness. Just until the day concludes.

If I want to, if that’s what I need, I can deal with it whatever over- dramatic way I wish to do so, but acknowledging that the next day I must have a different attitude. Objective, sensible me overrides the drama- queen and leads the way to a better appreciation of what really is important. I go to bed with the understanding that the next morning proves the world didn’t end so my life doesn’t either, and moving forward is much easier this way. I once read or heard that ‘everything looks better when shone in the light of a brand new day’. I believe in this motto and go by it as much as I can.

Perhaps, some would think that I waste a whole day feeling down in the dumps, but I figured it is better to vent out than dealing with it later because I stored it somewhere in a corner of my head. When I clear my mind of all the trivial things, and let it all out, the next day, more often than not, I realize it isn’t that big of a deal. This makes it easier to tackle.

I’m not going to say that this has been the way I’ve done it my whole life. The truth is, it took a lot for me to get here and recognize there are safer, healthier methods to deal with the inner demons that munch on my soul, rather than ranting, hating just about everybody who looked my way, and having everyone get a piece of me. For some reason, what I do now to deal with my issues is just what I needed to find a balance and feel better with myself, because most of the time, the solutions I discover on the brighter light of a new day are all things I figure I can translate into improving myself and grow as a better human being. Yes, it’s either all that or I fancy myself like Scarlett O’Hara, and I say out loud into the nothingness “After all, tomorrow is another day”.